St. Frances of Rome is a welcoming Roman Catholic family dedicated to seeking, experiencing, and sharing the loving presence of God. Our website is meant to be a resource and one way for you to have the necessary tools to carry out your mission as disciples.
Now, more than ever, we need you! Your presence and your involvement are necessary for the success of our parish.
As you discern if our parish family is where you belong, I ask that you please pray about the gifts and talents God has given you, and do not be afraid to put them to good use!
Your Servant in Christ,
Rev. Fr. Shayne R. Duvall

Mass Times
Saturday - 4:30 PM
Sunday - 8:30 AM | 10:30 AM
Mon, Wed, Fri - 8:30 AM
Holy Days - See the Bulletin
For all other questions and concerns (sacraments, funerals, etc.) please contact the parish office.
This Weekend’s Bulletin for the 3rd Sunday of Lent (March 23)
Click here to read the March 23rd bulletin celebrating the 3rd Sunday of Lent.
2nd Sunday of Lent Bulletin (March 16)
Click here to read this weekend's bulletin celebrating the 2nd Sunday of Lent.
Bulletin for the 1st Sunday of Lent (March 9th)
Click here to read the March 9th bulletin celebrating the 1st Sunday of Lent
Donate to St. Frances of Rome
Are you ready to make a financial contribution to St Frances of Rome Parish? There are several ways to do so:
Donate Online
Click below to review our easy and secure online donation platform to support St. Frances of Rome parish today.
Donate Via Text
Text “Give” to 502-743-4434 to donate via text.
Contact Us
Call 502-896-8401 with questions or to request traditional offertory envelopes.