Click this link to read the bulletin for the 29th Weekend in Ordinary Time.
Saint Frances of Rome is seeking additional persons to serve as part of our Money Counting Teams. Money Counters are the responsible individuals that count and log all bills and …
We hope you will join us on Saturday, October 19 after the 5:30pm Mass to have pizza with Fr. Shayne and Fr. Steven and enjoy one another’s company. Pizza and …
John Bawa, a sixth grader at Newburg Middle School and parishioner of St. Frances of Rome, shared his depiction of Our Lady of the Rosary that was featured in The …
Last weekend, Fr. Shayne’s homily touched on loneliness. Several parishioners have asked for his notes on this, and so this weekend, we are including those in the bulletin. Tips to …
Click HERE to read this weekend’s bulletin for the 28th week in Ordinary Time.
Join us Thursday, November 21st for our 3rd annual Friendsgiving Dinner. More details to come.
Join fellow Catholic Men for Adoration, Confession, and Vespers at St. Frances of Rome Church with fellowship to follow.