Due to the holiday, the parish offices will be closed Thanksgiving and the day after. We will be back in the offices on December 2nd. Thanksgiving Mass will be at …
The Parish Council for St. Frances of Rome met on November 13. Chaired by Mary Masick, the Council considered these topics: The 2025 Stewardship drive: The Council reviewed the draft …
Christ Church Episcopal Cathedral (CCC), in partnership with Uniting Partners (UP) for Women and Children, will begin a pilot program in January called Room in the Inn – Louisville. Each …
For every Mass celebrated, liturgical ministers are necessary. Our parish is blessed to have so many ministers who have prayerfully discerned how to best use their gifts in service to …
Click this link to view the weekend bulletin for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
In an article included in last week’s bulletin, I described highlights from the Pope’s recent encyclical letter, Dilexit Nos, and offered prayerful reflections on the importance of Adoration of the …
Results through November 8th are in, and you continue to impress with your kindness and generosity. Thank you to everyone who has participated towards our financial goal of $38,900, and …
Every day of our lives, we have something to be thankful to God for. Even when everything feels like it’s crumbling down around us, God IS there, walking with us. …
Click here to read this weekend’s bulletin for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.