Parish Council Recap
The Parish Council for St. Frances of Rome met on November 13. Chaired by Mary Masick, the Council considered these topics:
The 2025 Stewardship drive: The Council reviewed the draft form prepared by Betty Jean Cobb and offered comments.
Adult Formation: Sharon Bidwell provided a report on her ministry in this and other areas (pastoral care). The Council thanked Sharon for all her good work!
Communications strategy: As part of its consideration of a proposal from an external vendor, the Council generally agreed upon a strategy for strengthening communication within the parish. This strategy included bulletin improvements; Web site clean up and signage.
Survey: Father Steven reported on the preliminary results of the 139 surveys collected on the Mass schedule. There was an indication of support for moving the time of the Saturday Vigil Mass as well as considering the timing of Sunday worship services. This will be a matter of further discussion.
The Council next meets on Wednesday, December 4.
Father Steven