
In September, I received a packet of materials that all priests receive once a year. It is a call for us to consider our gifts and talents and how they might best help to fill the needs of the archdiocese for the coming year. While I don’t anticipate changing my ministry assignments this year, it is still a chance to pray about and think about all of the needs and what ways I can serve those, and then to recommit myself to the work I am doing. This gives those planning for the ministry of our priests the resources they need to do that well.

In the same way, as we celebrate the Feast of St Leonard, this time of year is an opportunity for each of us to consider the needs of our community and the ways we can serve those needs. Whether you plan to continue serving in ways that you have in the past year or you would like to explore new opportunities, whether you plan to continue your financial support or can increase that, I invite you to pray about both the needs of St Leonard and your own gifts. And then I ask you to make a commitment as a member of this parish by bringing your completed forms or on-line acknowledgement form with you on the weekend of November 23rd and 24th to present them with the whole community. This will give the parish council and the pastoral leaders of our parish the resources they need to plan well for the coming year. 

In June of this year, we asked each of our parishioners to consider increasing their annual tithing by 15 – 20% to help us grow our parish.  In order to achieve our parish goals of attracting new members, reaching out to serve our neighborhood community and maintaining the members and parish life we already enjoy, each one of us must raise our level of commitment.  An increase in your financial commitment is vital to our parish growth and would be much appreciated.

Thank you for all you do to make this a vibrant and faith filled parish.

Peace and All Good,

Rev Louis Meiman


There will be no Saturday Mass on May 4th due to the Ky Derby.