Dear parishioners, We have a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the feast of Pentecost together once again this year. Fr. Pepper Elliott and your joint SFR/SL Joint Worship Committee members believe …
Fr. Pepper has added a daily noon Mass on Wednesdays at St. Leonard. Please come join us in celebration of the Eucharist.
Fr. Pepper Elliott has offered to continue the parishes’ rich tradition of Adoration and Benediction for St. Frances of Rome and St. Leonard parishes on a WEEKLY Rotational Basis at …
The 1st Communicants of St. Leonard and St. Frances of Rome made their first communion on Sunday, April 21, 2024 at St. Leonard’s 10am mass. We offer our Congratulations as …
Come join the parishes of St. Leonard and St. Frances of Rome as they show their gratitude and appreciation for Fr. Lou Meiman’s years of service as pastor. We will …
My friend and fellow pastor, Father Paul, noticed unsightly, overgrown trees near his parish church. He asked the maintenance crew to cut back the growth, which they happily did, telling …
Click this link for the April 28st bulletin.
Recently I was with my little dog Libby at a retreat center in the Arizona desert. I sat in a chair near a ravine filled with shrubs. Unbeknownst to me, …
Join us in the St. Leonard kitchen on Tuesday, April 30th from 4-6pm to make a tasty meal for our neighbors who are served by United Crescent Hill Ministries. This …
St. Frances of Rome parishioner Beth Wiseman is working with volunteers at her company to collect those eclipse glasses that we used earlier this month. They will be shipping them …