If you are looking to get involved or enjoy connecting with new people, think about participating in some or all of these activities. UCHM offers hot lunches at 11:15 on …
ASH WEDNESDAY Masses & Ashes Distribution Schedule: St. Frances of Rome – Masses @ 8:30am & 12noon St. Leonard – Masses @ 10:00am & 6:00PM St. Frances of Rome – …
Stay after Mass on the following dates/times to hear more about Fr. Johnson’s work as a missionary priest, and his efforts to bring clean drinking water to the children of …
A few years ago, a car driven by a University of Cincinnati student was struck by a speeding freight train. Miraculously, the student was uninjured. The narrow escape had a …
Everyone is invited to join the parishes of St. Frances of Rome and St. Leonard for a Thank You Open House for Rick Knoop. Rick was the parishes’ Music Director for …
Please bring any old blessed palms back to church to be burned and used for this year’s Ash Wednesday ashes distribution. There are marked baskets at the entrance of each church …
The common theme of today’s readings is divine authority. Today’s first reading tells us that a true prophet speaks with authority because it is God who speaks through him. In the second …
“Exposition of the Holy Eucharist, either in a ciborium or in a monstrance, leads us to acknowledge Christ’s marvelous presence in the sacrament and invites us to the spiritual union …
Once, there was a kite (a medium to large, long-winged bird of prey, which typically has a forked tail) who was consumed by envy for the eagle. “How come he can fly …
Our parish offices will be closed Monday in honor of the holiday.