One of an occasional series of articles reflecting on the parts of the mass “… In the breaking of the bread.” In the gospel of Luke we have the story …
Fr. Lou Meiman, the St. Frances of Rome, St. Leonard Parish Council members and staff gathered last weekend for the 2nd Annual Joint Parish Council Retreat. Thank you to all the …
View the Lost and Found Slideshow at the Parish Life News page link below to determine if any of these items belong to you. Please retrieve them from the entrance …
This Saturday, September 16th, the parish councils of our two churches are going on retreat together. We will be reflecting and praying on the work of the Holy Spirit in …
A reflection on the Eucharistic Prayer, part of a series of reflections on the parts of the Mass Medieval mystic and writer Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer …
If you are looking to support our sister parish, St Leonard’s, Homecoming, and want a great deal to boot, check out their silent auction items right HERE Here are just …
Make plans now to attend the parent kickoff meeting for any parents of children who will be preparing for First Reconciliation/First Eucharist this fall and winter. We will gather on …
As the sun rises to bring in the new day: We remember those who descend into the earth, their work begins in darkness, pulling from the earth, the resources we …
The image of each of us taking up our cross is woven throughout the gospels. Jesus makes it key to being one of his disciples. And this weekend we encounter …
This coming weekend we have a passage from the gospel of Matthew that, if we’re honest with ourselves, should be pretty disturbing. A woman comes to Jesus asking him to heal her daughter. …