During February's Family Gathering, we'll be playing games and talking about one of the things above. Which one? Join us to find out! February Family Gathering: Sunday, February 14 at …
Imagine: A Lenten Journey with the Leonard Ladies You're invited! The Leonard Ladies invite all women of Saint Leonard and Saint Frances of Rome parishes to journey with us through …
Despite these difficult times, we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth together at Saint Leonard Parish this year. We hope you will join us for Mass to celebrate the Nativity …
Dear Friends and Families of St. Leonard, It is not news that we have experienced a unique year in 2020 and were unable to celebrate together at our annual Summer …
A Parish Outreach Opportunity Instead of a Holiday Bazaar? St. Leonard Drive-thru Soup/Chili Lunch ATTN: Are you 55 years of age or older? Order Your Free Lunch Now! If …
Pocket Prayer Quilt Ministry Would you like to help? Have you ever heard of "pocket prayer quilts"? Inside each of these small quilts, there is a small cross with the …
Sunday, September 13th, families from both parishes met at St. Leonard's parking lot (parking spaces make great markers for social distancing, btw) to pray, share, learn about Holy Families, and …
The good news is we at St Leonard will be returning to mass the weekend of May 30-31st. The bad news is it won’t look much like you’re used to. …
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