Any reader of psychological thrillers will come across the “dead main character trope” fairly often. This is the famous Sixth Sense twist ending (I would say “spoiler alert,” but the …
For all the condemnation Thomas the Doubter has received in 2000 years of homilies, I think there’s something to admire in him. Thomas is not unique. We all waver at …
Grace to you and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ. How good it is to be with you through the next months until the arrival of your new pastor …
A few years ago some archaeologists in the Holy Land excavated a tax collector’s office that was almost intact, with all the tax records. There were two stacks of tax …
From Fr Johnson’s Homily for this weekend. In the Gospel, Jesus reveals that he is the giver of life by raising Lazarus from the dead. By raising Lazarus from the …
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” Near Mobile, …
From Fr Johnson’s Homily for this weekend. Today’s readings are centered on Baptism and new life. Living water represents God’s Spirit which comes to us in Baptism, penetrating every aspect …
From this weekend’s readings (Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 Rom 8:31b-34 Mk 9:2-10) Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, The common theme of today’s readings is transformation …
From this Sunday’s readings (GEN 9: 8-15; I PT 3: 18-22; MK 1: 12-15) A mother camel and her baby are talking one day and the baby camel asks, …
On February 11, in the newspaper Northern Kentucky life, I happened to read an article with a title “Taking wrong turn put man in right place to be a hero” …