A reflection on the Eucharistic Prayer, part of a series of reflections on the parts of the Mass Medieval mystic and writer Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer …
The image of each of us taking up our cross is woven throughout the gospels. Jesus makes it key to being one of his disciples. And this weekend we encounter …
This coming weekend we have a passage from the gospel of Matthew that, if we’re honest with ourselves, should be pretty disturbing. A woman comes to Jesus asking him to heal her daughter. …
Everyone! Pope Francis got the young people shouting, over and over. Everyone! There were more than a half million young people at one of the talks he gave at World …
After we experience Christ in the Liturgy of the Word, the next part of the mass is the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This begins with the collection and presentation of …
After we gather together as a community (the first act where we experience the real presence of Christ) we are ready to hear the word of God. The LIturgy of …
It’s been interesting lately (cough, cough) how fires in Canada have been affecting (cough, cough) our breathing in the Ohio Valley. It’s even been affecting our vision, with what looks …
Image featured:The colonnade of St Peter’s reaches out to embrace those coming to the church This is the first in an occasional series of reflections on the parts of the …
With Pentecost and the end of the Easter season, the Church enters Ordinary Time. The name comes from the Latin word for order or counting, not the modern sense of …