
Music Ministry at St Frances of Rome

The goal of the Music Ministry at St Frances of Rome is to assist our assembled believers to express and share the gift of faith that is within us and to nourish and strengthen our communal commitment to faith.  Following a long tradition of excellence and commitment to genuine prayer through sacred song, we work to heighten the texts so that they speak more fully and effectively.  The reverent qualities of joy and enthusiasm which music adds to our communal worship impart a sense of unity to our congregation and should always set the tone for a particular celebration.  In addition to expressing prayer texts, our music can also unveil dimensions of meaning and feeling, which words alone cannot yield.  At St Frances of Rome, we celebrate the musical tradition of our pipe organ, designated in the documents of the Sacred Liturgy as the “official instrument of the Roman Catholic Church, which should be held in high esteem,” as well as the beautiful piano in our sanctuary.  We often embrace the presence of other instruments in our worship.  Our planning and practice of music works always to reflect the threefold judgment of musical, liturgical, and pastoral practice.

Music Team

Elizabeth Jackson, Director of Music and Worship

Marquita Cooper, Pianist

Tim Baker, Organist


Cantors are active leaders of the assembly in common sacred song and responsorial singing.  Those wishing to serve in this ministry are selected by audition and are expected to be able to read music and to be committed to ongoing practice.  Interested singers should contact the Elizabeth Jackson at 897-5207 x1107 for more information.


Instrumentalists enhance the liturgical celebrations and may participate on a frequent or occasional basis as arranged in consultation with Elizabeth Jackson.  

Parish Schola/Choir

St Frances of Rome community has had a strong choral tradition since its founding, and interested singers are invited to participate in special liturgies which often include the participation and leadership of a schola (smaller choir).  This group of dedicated individuals truly enhances our celebration of many of the solemn feasts of the year, including Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.  Please contact Elizabeth Jackson for further information.

Would you like to contribute your talents as a singer or musician at St Frances of Rome?

Please call our Director of Music and Worship, Elizabeth Jackson at 897-5207 x1107 to learn more and get involved.


Let us sing joyfully to the Lord!

Bulletin for Feb 23rd Weekend

Click here to read this weekend’s bulletin for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

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How About an Adventure?

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Groups are forming now! Consider joining us.

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February 16, 2025 Bulletin (6th Week in Ordinary Time)

Please click this link to read the bulletin for this weekend celebrating the 6th Week in Ordinary Time.

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This Weekend's (Feb 9) Bulletin

Click here to read this weekend’s bulletin for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Next Senior Luncheon and Talk -Feb 27th

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