
Prayer and worship are at the heart of what we do, as we strive to grow together as energetic and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Worship Committee


The St Frances of Rome Worship Committee works hard to offer our parishioners a liturgical experience that is prayerful, reverent, and spiritually moving.  Worship Committee members also take a leadership role in helping our parish community to grow in faith and to pray well in all that we do.  Another important aim of this committee is to keep our parishioners connected to one another as part of a true spiritual family, serving God and one another.  Worship Committee members participate actively in all realms of parish life as we help one another to deepen our life of prayer, grow as disciples, and stay connected as a family of faith.  

We invite you to explore some of the recent initiatives of the St Frances of Rome Worship Committee by visiting the “Prayer Resources” page.