Happy November everyone!
The fall weather is upon us, the colors are magnificent, and this month we pray for our beloved dead, and we pray that the saints will continue to intercede for us. I want to take this opportunity to offer my thanks and to update you on a few happenings in our parish.
Thank you to those who were present and available to fill out the brief survey that Fr. Steven developed. We received approximately 140 surveys which were most helpful, and we continue to look at and analyze the data and demographics of our parish.
We have also completed the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) with the Parish Council and those results have been shared with you online and in print form. The information contained in both the survey and the SWOT analysis have confirmed that the top four reasons the overwhelming majority of our parishioners come to St. Frances of Rome are:
– The friendliness/hospitality of the community
– The quality of worship services
– The priest(s) who preside at Masses or are assigned to the parish
– The physical location of the parish
Regarding the Mass schedule, based on a majority of the surveys we received and from the comments made at parish council meetings, we will begin discerning moving the Saturday Mass time from 5:30pm to either 4:00pm or 4:30pm, and the Sunday 11:30am Mass time to either 10:00am or 10:30am. The survey questions on Mass times were specifically phrased to ask whether respondents would consider attending a celebration at new times. There was also a question to see if respondents would “explore options to participate” in worship at either another parish or denomination. The results indicate that the majority would consider a new Mass time and would not necessarily go to another parish if the Mass times change.
If we are to explore changes in the Mass schedule, we will need to look at the surrounding parishes so as not to have conflicting Mass times. Stay tuned for more information.
I also want to thank our parishioners who have made their contributions to the annual Catholic Services Appeal. We are well on our way to meeting our goals. If you have not made a contribution yet, I strongly encourage you to do so.
I am looking forward to celebrating Friendsgiving with you on Thursday evening, November 21. I hope you will join us. We have a lot to be thankful for and how nice it will be to share our thanks with others in our community. God bless you and thank you for your prayers and support!
-Fr. Shayne