Both Parish Offices will be closed, and there will be no daily Mass at St Leonard this Thursday, the 22nd due to the Parish Staff Retreat. Please pray that our …
The Gift Card booth at this year’s St Leonard Homecoming had a twist. Normally, this event’s proceeds go towards the parish budget. This year though, it was decided that one …
A corruption of the Italian maestro di giustizia (or master of Justice), Mastro Titta was the nickname for Giovanni Battista Bugatti. For 68 years, from 1796 until 1864, Bugatti was the pope’s executioner, the …
You probably wouldn’t think to connect a 19th century pope with an American Holiday but Leo XIII and Labor Day are at least related. Leo wrote the encyclical Rerum Novarum (Revolutionary Change) in …
Thank you to everyone for continued prayers for Rick Knoop, SFR/SL Music Director, during his recent surgery. He is recovering well, surrounded by his wonderful and loving family. If you …
Pictured: Redwood grove in Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park That’s what Pope Francis called it in his message asking us to observe the World Day of Prayer for the Care …
We are continuing to receive gift cards for the Charity Gift Card Booth that both parishes are sponsoring at this year’s picnic.. Please keep those donations coming. All proceeds for …
This coming Saturday our parish councils will be joining together for a day of prayer and reflection. We’ll be led by Jack Jezreel, a nationally known Catholic speaker and author …
The new sewing ministry roster is filling up with parishioners from both of our parishes, but there’s still plenty of room for more to join. As a new outreach ministry, …
I write this column on Wednesdays. Some Wednesdays I have more than one thing to write about, and I have to choose. Occasionally I can’t seem to think of anything. …