“Through the power of your Spirit of love include us now and for ever among the members of your Son, whose body and blood we share.” It’s a line from …
Way back in that other world that was February of 2020, I remember doing a couple of presentations on the history of the Church. And then … Now that …
It’s a question I seem to get a lot, starting December 26th. My usual response is that I am having a very nice Christmas. In fact I am writing this …
Click the link below for access to our Christmas Eve Schola and Mass. https://fb.watch/ab8y6g82Oh/
This Sunday we will have the blessing of the bambinelli at all our masses. Bambinelli is the Italian word for babies, and it originated years ago when St John Paul …
Every Advent I encounter one of the strongest images of our Advent wait in the scriptures. And every year I marvel that much of the world accomplished it in the …
In these days of Amazon next-day delivery it’s hard to remember that when I was a kid we would save up cereal box tops to send away for toys and …
Please come join us at the Clifton Center Reception Hall on December 9th from 2-4pm for our December Bingo event. Cost for admission will be $8 per person, and includes …