Landscape Update -What happened to Father’s Holly Trees???
If you walk down the sidewalk past Father Lou’s office these days, you’ll see what appear to be several giant toothpicks where the holly trees used to be. You might think that the landscapers just didn’t finish the removal process, but that’s not correct. The holly trees were healthy, but very overgrown. Our landscapers cut them down to size to get them to grow out next year as a thicker, robust holly hedge. We have been made aware ahead of time that they may not look very pretty now, but next season, they will spring back to life with lots of green leaves. In the meantime, wave to Father if you see him working on his next homily.
Elsewhere on the property, you will see that we have some new trees that have been planted. Redbuds and Zelkovas have been planted where the old trees used to be. These will grow to provide lots of beauty and shade around the parking lot.