St Frances of Rome Landscaping Update
Work has begun on the landscape renovation project at St Frances of Rome. It has been a number of years since the last major update, and now that we finished renovations on the interior of the church, it’s time to work on the exterior of the property. This will involve renovations to our landscaping, and the Parish House. Our first phase of this is to remove the foliage that has reached the end of its life, and prepare the grounds for new plantings.
The next step is to kill weeds and old foliage that remains in certain areas. That will require some sun and dryer weather. If the forecast holds true, this weekend looks like it will be a good one for this task. Then about a week and a half later, the next round of work can begin.
We will keep you updated here as we progress. It’s an exciting time at St Frances of Rome, and there will be a lot of activity in the coming months as we continue to improve and care for our spiritual home.