From the Desk of the Associate Pastor
In a recent bulletin, I highlighted Archbishop Shelton’s statement on immigration. Joined with his brother bishops in the states of Tennessee and Kentucky, the Archbishop invited all to action to ensure the human rights and dignity of our friends, neighbors and so many others seeking to live and work within the United States.
I am reminded of Pope Francis’ four verb framework which guides the Church in its work with migrants, regardless of their legal status. Those actions are:
To welcome;
To protect;
To promote; and
To integrate
Each of these four actions are grounded in a central practice of Catholics: prayer. A sample litany of prayers is offered below for your reflection.
I want to draw attention to “welcome.” Too many people are forcibly displaced from their homeland and domestic homes due to violence, environmental causes, or lack of economic opportunity.
What if you or I had nowhere else to go except to be stuck in camps for years on end? Here in Louisville, folks all around us have been beaten down and are without hope and opportunity on our streets. They live in camps underneath interstate highways, covered by blankets in public areas, and shivering on the doorsteps of public buildings.
Whether you work downtown or live in posh areas, it is impossible to escape the reality of displaced persons or homelessness.
Pope Francis has emphasized that “efforts to keep the stranger out should be countered through a culture of encounter.” This is why St. Frances of Rome offers support for United Crescent Hill Area Ministries and the “Room at the Inn” initiative. And let us “see” those around us: offering a gentle smile and words of encouragement.
Please take prayerful and generous action!
-Father Steven
“For all bishops in our Church, that they may be encouraged by our prayers and support to lead God’s people in building a culture that respects the human dignity of all migrants; we pray to the Lord;
For our priests and deacons, that they may boldly proclaim Church teaching on human dignity and the Church’s teaching on human trafficking, we pray to the Lord;
For all refugees who are forced to flee from their homes, that God bring peace to them and their country of origin, we pray to the Lord.
For government leaders, that the Son of God, who became human, will help them understand the great dignity of human persons, and support legislation that better protects vulnerable populations in our midst, we pray to the Lord.”.