Giving Thanks
That’s a translation, giving thanks. A translation of the Greek word eucharist. That’s a central word in Catholic belief, so central that we bring it straight from the New Testament Greek into English. Eucharist. It’s given a name to the mass and to the greatest prayer of the mass. It’s given a name to a sacrament. Which means that all of those things are first and foremost rooted in giving thanks. Thanks for all that God has done for us and given us. Listen to the eucharistic prayer. After the call to give thanks it recounts what God has done, and at its center the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. It talks about what we give thanks for.
As we prepare for the holiday of Thanksgiving I think that’s important to remember. Of course we know that one day a year isn’t enough to pray in thanks. But we also should be more intentional about praying in thanks during the Eucharist. What are you especially thankful for this week? Hold that in your heart as we pray the prayers. Let’s be a eucharistic people, a people of giving thanks.
-Fr Lou