Solemnity of the Annunciation
Solemnity of the Annunciation
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Luke 1:26-38
Reflection by Barbara Trompeter and Patti Nash
In the Gospel reading of the Annunciation, Mary is troubled and afraid by what the angel was telling her. She did not comprehend how it could be for her to bear a child when she was not even married. It was not just to be an ordinary child. He was to rule over the Jewish kingdom and be called the Son of the Most High. Mary did not understand but was given the assurance through the Holy Spirit overshadowing her. Without hesitating, she committed herself to fulfilling what God wanted her to do. She accepted herself as the handmaid of the Lord to bear this Child and call Him holy, the Son of God.
In this time of the COVID pandemic it has been difficult to stay close to God. We have been challenged to extend ourselves in making time for God. It can be in many different ways, whether we pray at home, or in church; if not in-person then on-line or via the television. We miss not sharing with our whole church family and praying to God within our parish church walls. Our commitment is not limited to just going to church. It is extended in many ways, like setting aside time to read the Bible, pray the Rosary, and reflect on God’s words. Without hesitation, we need to jump at the opportunity to give ourselves over to God and spend time with Him.