Work continues on pace for the parish landscaping project. This week, the landscapers removed several stumps, dug and installed new drains, removed the old landscape timbers, and defined in more …
Mark your calendars now for June 5th at 10:30am, and join us for our annual Pentecost Mass. We will gather as both parishes at the St Leonard soccer field for …
Thank you all for your patience through all the reminders, emails, Mass announcements, phone calls, and nudging from your fellow parishioners. We have filled all appointments but 5 spots Friday …
Fifth Sunday of Easter Lectionary: 54 Reading I Acts 14:21-27 After Paul and Barnabas had proclaimed the good news to that city and made a considerable number of disciples, they …
In the 1920’s, just a few years after it had become a national holiday, a woman named Anna Jarvis organized protests and boycotts against Mother’s Day. In fact she spent …
This week our landscapers at Luv-it! landscaping took out some more trees to make room for new plantings. You can see on these pictures that we have some more open …
“There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of …
Just a friendly reminder that there will be no Mass on Derby Day, Saturday May 7th. Weekend Masses on Sunday will be at their usual times.
If you walk down the sidewalk past Father Lou’s office these days, you’ll see what appear to be several giant toothpicks where the holly trees used to be. You might …
The Parish renovations continue. In this phase we have begun the updates to the Parish House bathroom. Thank you to Dutch Boehnlein for the fine demolition work and cleanup. We …